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A sample of information from some frequently asked questions.

How can we pay tuition?

Payments: Tuition payment are accepted in the through FACTS Family Portal. Late charges will be assessed by FACTS after the 10th of each month at $65. 

When and what is Related Arts?

Our lower school has a set time each day for activity period. Activity includes library, art, PE, and music. Please check your student's schedule to make sure they are in adequate clothing for the activity of that day.

What is a senior table?

Each year at graduation our senior parents put together a special table in the cafeteria for their senior.  This table encompasses all that the student has accomplished during their time at Holly Hill Academy. Items on the table can include pictures, trophies, certificates, and even food. It has also been customary to include a box or tray to hold cards or gifts that others may bestow upon your graduate. Seniors draw numbers for the table they will be using.

What is The Flagship?

Booster Club is a vital part of our Athletic program at HHA. Through this organization all sports uniform, Referee/Umpire fees, and other payments are made. The Flagship holds monthly meetings that each parent is welcome to attend. 


During the month of March our softball program honors a former alumni, Mike Reed who was very active with the softball program. We pay tribute to the Reed family and his daughter who is also an alumni by hosting the Mike Reed Tournament. Each year teams from across the state from both public and private schools are invited to participate. Trophies are usually earned for 1st and 2nd place. 

What happens if I am late picking up my student?

School is dismissed at 2:30 everyday unless noted on the calendar. Students left after school without transportation will be sent to Raider Deck until adequate transportation from a parent or guardian is obtained. *Fees apply

What is PTAC?

Our PTAC supports the school and more specifically the students and teachers at HHA. They are responsible for the Fall Festival as well as several fundraisers through out the year to help you meet your fundraising contribution of $300. They hold monthly meetings to discuss up and coming fundraisers and special events. All parents are required to be a part of the PTAC. All families are automatically inducted into the PTAC.

What academic competitions are there?

Each year HHA competes in the Spelling Bee, Math Meet, Quiz Bowl, and Literary Meet. These are SCISA academic events. Each event is coached by a teacher at HHA. Any student is welcome to try out for a spot on each team. These teams will then be taken to the event where they will represent our school and showcase their academic knowledge. Notices will go home with your student prior to the event.

How will I get pertinent information?

Communication is very important to us. We strive to keep each parent informed of all happenings at HHA.  Our main form of communication is through our school app and email. We also communicate by posting on Facebook, Instagram, text, and FACTS. Occasionally, we will send mail to your home. Please be diligent and check your email often for any communication we send out. Always keep us informed of any updates to your email address at 

How can my child take AP classes?

How do we order lunch?

Our lunch is served through the Handi-House. We have three lunches and two morning breaks. One for lower school, middle school, and high school. Orders are placed online through FACTS in advance by parents. Students may order each morning with their teacher also. Each lunch is made to order. To cut down on waste extra food is not made. If your student does not order they will not have a lunch prepared for them. Also, if a student arrives late, they will not have a lunch ordered for them. Students arriving after 9:30 may go to the office and order late. 

AP classes are available to students who have shown ability through subject grade average and work ethic. Each AP class that is offered will have a final AP exam.  The fee for AP classes are $50 each. 

How can I get a transcript?

Transcript requests can be made through the office. We can email, mail, and fax transcripts. The first transcript is free for recent graduates. Each additional transcript is $10. Non-Alumni are charged $25 (Mimms Academy and Bowman Academy)

Is there a Kindergarten graduation?

Our Kindergarten class participates in a graduation ceremony each May to commemorate their advancement to 1st grade. Please check with Mrs. Valerie Bell for specific information and dates.

Do you mail progress reports and or report cards?

We utilize FACTS as our grading utility. Progress can be checked as well as attendance and fee balances. A link to FACTS is on our website. Each student and parent are given a unique login to sign into FACTS. An app is also available in the app store and play store. Please check this site often to stay abreast of your student's grades and attendance.  

What is FACTS?

FACTS is our school information system. We use this for grading, attendance, lunch, and all things school related. Each student and parent has login credentials for FACTS. Visit to login and manage your account.

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